Spotlight on Bloom 5
As part of their project on the Human Body, Bloom 5 have been learning about the body systems and what makes a healthy body. Armed with this new information, they split up into groups to design and create something that would promote healthy living. Recognising a direct correlation between positive mental health in children and having good friends; one of the Bloom 5 groups came up with the idea of creating an app to help young people connect. 'Friend Finder' looked to match up different young people based on their hobbies and interests in order to allow students to find more friends. Working closely with Mr Marc, the group used Apple's 'Swift Playgrounds' app, designed for early application development. Using the app gave the students a first look at purposeful coding and the incredible amount of problem solving skills involved this kind of creation. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the form of ChatGPT, Viggo, Lottie and Luna were able to write and edit som...